Sunday, January 7, 2007

A Memorial to a True Social Entrepreneur

Rick Rescorla is a true Social Entrepreneur in the purest sense. A Medaled VietNam veteran, he chose to consistently persevere to train the employees of Morgan-Stanley/Dean-Witter in evacuations procedures that literally saved thousands of lives on 9/11 in the World Trade Center. Rick realized that after the bombing of WTC in 1993 there would be another attempt at destruction of the icon of America. He spent the next 8 years selflessly and consistently laying out and following a plan that led to many lives being saved. His wife has started a Foundation in his name, not only memorializing him, but also what he stood for. Rick sacrificed his own life so that others could live. Please take some time to read and understand his place in history as a Social Entrepreneur, and also "The Man Who Predicted 9/11" .

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