Thursday, January 25, 2007

Muhammad Yunus- 2006 Nobel Peace Prize

Muhammad Yunus delivered his Nobel Lecture, listen or read text, on 10 December 2006 at the Oslo City Hall, Norway. He was introduced by Professor Ole Danbolt Mjøs, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Professor Yunus begins his Nobel Lecture with a few words in Bangla.
Here is a link to the Grameen Group, they have done some amazing work in the past 3 decades by the grace of God.
Muhammad Yunus achieved his PH.D in economics in 1969 at Vanderbilt University in Nashville and taught Economics at Middle Tennessee State University until 1972 before going back to his home in Bangladesh.
The FUND of America is honored to be missioned to help spread this concept in America. America's social entrepreneurs have the ability to relieve many of the burdens that seem to be difficult for our government to address. By doing so, the day may come soon when we have true statesmen leading our country, and true citizens leading our people, both through accountability.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Safe entrepreneur

The Safe Side is dedicated to making kids safer. In addition to publishing programs for kids and parents, the Company donates 10% of gross proceeds from distribution to The National Center For Missing & Exploited Children.

I'm a mom. I'm a former teacher. I'm an entrepreneur.

In 1997, based on what I wanted for my own child, I made a little video called Baby Einstein. And I will tell you that no one was more surprised than me that five years and 10 videos later, The Baby Einstein Company was a multi-million-dollar enterprise and I would go on to sell to The Walt Disney Company. And two years later, no one was more surprised than my husband when I said I wanted to start all over again with a new idea – and a new company. ....HERE IS HER WEBSITE AND MISSION

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Sunday, January 7, 2007

A Memorial to a True Social Entrepreneur

Rick Rescorla is a true Social Entrepreneur in the purest sense. A Medaled VietNam veteran, he chose to consistently persevere to train the employees of Morgan-Stanley/Dean-Witter in evacuations procedures that literally saved thousands of lives on 9/11 in the World Trade Center. Rick realized that after the bombing of WTC in 1993 there would be another attempt at destruction of the icon of America. He spent the next 8 years selflessly and consistently laying out and following a plan that led to many lives being saved. His wife has started a Foundation in his name, not only memorializing him, but also what he stood for. Rick sacrificed his own life so that others could live. Please take some time to read and understand his place in history as a Social Entrepreneur, and also "The Man Who Predicted 9/11" .