Sunday, February 11, 2007

Conference Call - UPDATE

Well, the call went well. We were great on conversation....but lacked a bit on the discussion...Those of you who were on the call, it was great talking with you and to those who missed the call, I accept any Dr.'s excuse...

We will reschedule, in fact, at least 6-12 weeks of refocusing needs to be accomplished before the next call will need to be scheduled.

do feel free to CALL ME ANYTIME to discuss our progress or exchange a view.
I shall email status to you during this period.
The first A/V conference call for principals of the
FUND of America Inc is scheduled for Tuesday - February 27 - 5:30pm CST.

Our focus will be organization, distribution, direction, and vision of

There will be open discussion on opinions of Social Entrepreneurship.

I wish to thank God for our abilities and our sense of human spirit. I want to also thank everyone on this call for wanting to share in a vision of creating something new.

the FUND of America will become widely known as the right thing to do.

I want to say that I am humbled by what is before us. As the concept unfolds, I am realizing a possibility of the true impact upon the EFT method of retail payments. I truly feel that we can have a significant impact upon socially conscious corporate America. When first conceived, the concept was simply to create a fund that would be available to fill in the gaps of services available by and through large orgs like the Red Cross, United Way, FEMA, and others. We realize that those efforts even fall short of the need in time of disaster. As we are in the process of refocusing our direction, we see other beneficial aspects of certain applications of our services.

Now, I see that the metamorphosis of the FUND of America Inc is in the cocoon stage…we have been wriggling around for awhile looking around, now we are resting, growing, awaiting our decision on what image to unveil when we emerge from this cocoon. Butterflies we will not be, I assure you. The FUND will gain strong support as its benefits become known. This should occur within the first 6 months, then we know that we have WOWed them...... and they will want the FUND forever....!