Sunday, November 19, 2006

Now this is a Social Entrepreneur...

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP) -- For 26 years, a man known only as Secret Santa has roamed the streets every December quietly giving people money. He started with $5 and $10 bills. As his fortune grew, so did the gifts. In recent years, Secret Santa has been handing out $100 bills, sometimes two or three at a time, to people in thrift stores, diners and parking lots. So far, he's anonymously given out about $1.3 million. It's been a long-held holiday mystery: Who is Secret Santa? But now, weak from chemotherapy and armed with a desire to pass on his belief in random kindness, Secret Santa has decided it's time to reveal his identity. He is Larry Stewart, a 58-year-old businessman from the Kansas City suburb of Lee's Summit, Missouri, who made his millions in cable television and long-distance telephone service.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Our Beginnings....

We are just beginning our mission and are anxious to get all things in order. We are progressing onward with establishing our official website, our method patenting process with the USPTO, refining our marketing plan, and acquiring essential candidates for our board of directors. Social Responsibility is becoming a more predominant movement in America. The Foundation for United Nonprofit Distribution will progress to become a major positive influence within America's nonprofit sector. Although our tax exempt status is in the approval process, contributions are needed and appreciated for purposes of funding our start-up agenda. May God be with all of us in our understanding that Social Responsibility is the key to achieving the most peaceful coexistence possible in our world of the 21st century.